International Web Marketing Association's WebAward 2013
in the category of Outstanding Website for the project for Luxoft.

International Web Marketing Association's WebAward 2013
in the category of Outstanding Website for the project for Luxoft.
I'm Victor, and I work as a Senior Art Director, Motion Designer, and Freelancer. For over 12 years, I have collaborated with various advertising agencies and companies. I have worked for brands such as: Volkswagen Polska, Kaufland, Chegg, Tauron, Kamis, Bosch, Maspex, Bank Pekao S.A., Kompania Piwowarska Tyskie, Stock Polska, BP, Lotto, Gemini Holding, Orlen Oil, and BIK.
Let's say I'm a “generalist,” feeling comfortable in 2D and 3D motion graphics, character rigging, video editing, or graphic design. I continually expand my competencies and try to apply the knowledge gained to the projects I undertake.
I invite you to collaborate and get acquainted with my portfolio.
Można powiedzieć, że jestem „generalistą”, dobrze czuję się w grafice ruchomej 2D i 3D, w riggingu postaci, montażu wideo czy projektowaniu graficzny. Cały czas poszerzam swoje kompetencje i próbuję przekładać zdobyta wiedzę na realizowane projekty.
Zapraszam do współpracy i do zapoznania się z moim portfolio.
02.2021 – …
Senior Art Director & Motion Designer – Insignia Agency
Handling key clients (Pekao S.A., Kamis, SKYN, Bosch), designing digital materials, motion and video projects.
07.2019 – 01.2021
Senior Art Director – Ancymony Advertising Agency
Handling key clients (Stock Polska, Kaufland, Wawel), designing digital and BTL materials, motion and video projects.
11.2018 – 05.2019
Senior Art Director & Motion Designer – S4 Agency
Regular client handling: Tauron, ECE, Polfarmex, Compensa, Lotto. Preparing ATL and BTL materials.
2017.11 – 2018.10
Creative Designer – Luxoft Poland
Created design themes, graphics, and motion graphics for marketing purposes, training videos, and content for corporate websites and social media channels.
2016.06 – 2017.11
Art Director – Hand Made Agency
Artistic supervision and production management of digital campaigns and social media channels for Tyskie Gronie, the largest beer brand in Poland. Digital support for Volkswagen, Dolce Gusto, and Nutella.
2014.06 – 2016.05
Art Director – Schulz Brand Friendly
Prepared ongoing digital, motion, and ATL projects for regular customers (Cedrob, Spomlek) and new customers (Dafi, Mardom TBM).
2013.01 – 2014.05
Art Director – Demo Effective Launching
Designed identification, print, and digital materials for regular clients. Won a tender for international digital service for Luxoft Poland.
2011.10 – 2012.12
Creative Graphic Designer – Brave Brain Agency
Designed identification, print, and digital materials for regular clients. Won a tender for international digital service for Luxoft Poland.
2009.09 – 2011.02
Motion Designer – Multimedia Polska S.A.
Designed internal ID materials for TV channel. Edited video materials for various TV programs and commercials purpose.
2004 – 2009
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan.
MA of Education of Art, Minor in Multimedia.
1999 – 2004
High School of Art in Zd-Wola